This is for you if:
You love helping people.
You're someone people often come to for support and guidance.
You're ready to embark on something new and exciting.
You're ready to invest in you.
You're willing to challenge yourself and see what you're really capable of.
You want to make great money doing something that feels good.
You're ready to make your mark.
We begin on Nov 1st
Enrol now to secure your place.
Carlie Maree
Carlie Maree is a writer, teacher and mentor with a passion for empowering women who want more. A qualified life coach, experienced business builder and respected thought leader, Carlie works with the magic of our inner wisdom and feminine power to help women create the work-life harmony they dream of. From her laptop, in her little beachside home, she reaches women from all over the world on a daily basis - both through her online programs and her daily #SoulBizSnippets. Connect with Carlie over at or